Tuesday 26 June 2012


Sunderland Solicitors before enlisting


2678: Private Frank Blair Allen

Member of Nicholson & Blair-Allen, of Sunderland

Durham Light Infantry - 1/7th Battalion

Killed in action - 24 May 1915 in 2nd Battle of Ypres


2/Lieutenant Arthur William Sinclair Stockdale

Durham Light Infantry - 7th Battalion (Territorial)

Gazetted 2nd Lieut – 9th Feb 1915

Killed in action - 24 May 1915 in 2nd Battle of Ypres


Major Charles William Hines

Born Sunderland

Durham Light Infantry - 7th Battalion (Territorial)

Killed in action - 24 May 1915 Age 41

Son of Thomas Shallcross Hines and Elizabeth Hines, 8 Leafield Rd., Darlington


2/Lieutenant Gilbert Player

Born Sunderland

Durham Light Infantry - 21st Battalion

Died of wounds in France 30th July 1916.


Captain Norman Robinson Shepherd

Durham Light Infantry - 7th Battalion (Territorial)

Date of Death: 4th November 1916

Son of Andrew Thomas Shepherd &Alice Shepherd, The Hawthorns, Ryhope Rd, Sunderland


Captain Frederick Cecil Longden

Durham Light Infantry - 4th Battalion

Managing Clerk with Longden, Mann & Longden,

Killed in action 24th August 1918 Age 30

Son of the late James Appleby Longden and Annie Walker Longden, of Sunderland.


There are records of a further 32 Solicitors that survived the war: 




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