Tuesday 26 June 2012

Lieutenant George Allen Maling.VC

Royal Army Medical Corps
Attached to 12th Battalion of the Rifle Brigade.

Born in Sunderland, County Durham, on 6th October 1888
Died on 9th July 1929

London Gazetted 18th November, 1915.

Citation reads:

During the heavy fighting near Fauquissart on the 25th September 1915, Lieutenant Maling worked continually with unceasing energy from 6:30am on the 25th September until 8am the following day. He collected and treated more than 300 wounded, all the time under heavy shellfire and in the open. At around 11am on the 25th September he was thrown down and stunned by the detonation of a large high explosive shell. This explosion wounded his assistant and killed several of the patients. Soon after the explosion of a second shell covered him and his instruments with debris. He continued alone with great zeal and courage.

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